The experiences and knowledge from our past are recorded in manuscripts which have been handed down to us over several thousand years. The Government of India through the Department of Culture took note of the importance of the vast tangible heritage and in order to preserve and conserve as well as to make access to this wealth easy, established the National Mission for Manuscripts. In order to disseminate the knowledge content of manuscripts, the Mission has taken up several programmes such as lectures, seminars, workshops, etc. The Mission has published the proceedings of the abovesaid programmes under the following series: Samrakshika (on conservation), Kritibodha (critically edited texts) Tattvabodha (comprises lectures based on some manuscripts delivered by eminent scholars) and Samiksika (research oriented papers as presented in the seminars). Recently the National Mission for Manuscripts has taken up a project for publishing rare and unpublished manuscripts in three formats-(a) Facsimile (b) Critical Edition (Illustrated and single copy manuscript) (c) Critical edition with annotation and translation. This series has been named as Prakashika, Prakashika-3 contains the critical edition of Akhyatavadatippani and Nanvadatippani of Bhavananda Siddhantavagisa (based on the text of Raghunatha Siromani) prepared by Dr. Sanjit Kumar Sadhukhan.
Dr. Sanjit Kumar Sadhukhan, the Associate Professor, Deptt. of Sanskrit, Rabindra Bharati University Kolkata is an expert both in the NyŒya school of Philosophy and Buddhism. He has contributed a number of articles in various journals and has edited many Sanskrit texts. Some of them are NyŒyabindu of Dharmak¶rti (first and second chapters), NyŒyamaÛjar¶ of Jayantabha¢¢a (PramŒÄasŒmŒnya and Pratyak¦a sections), SarvadarÜanasaÃgraha of MadhavŒcŒrya (Bauddha and Jaina sections), and NyŒyanibandhaprakŒÜa of VardhamŒna (Trisµutr¶ Section) Apart from these, he has contributed a number of articles in various journals. He is now preparing a critical edition of the advance portion of the NyŒyanibandhaprakŒÜa of VardhamŒna.